Code of Conduct and By-Laws.

 hCode of Conduct T.C. Ludica

At Ludica, we ensure safety and atmosphere on and around the Pavilion so that everyone can enjoy recreation. Therefore, the following code of conduct applies to all visitors to T.C. Ludica's tennis park.

A visitor to T.C. Ludica:

  • Report inappropriate behavior.
    If you are asked to do something that goes against your own feelings, norms and values: report this, for example to the board of T.C. Ludica or to a confidential contact person of T.C. Ludica ( You can also contact the Centrum Veilig Sport Nederland (tel. 0900 2025590).
  • Respects others.
    You have respect for everyone. To the opponent(s), your teammates, the day manager, your trainers, the spectators and everyone else. Pay attention to your language and how you present yourself to others. Make everyone feel welcome and respect the "no" answer.
  • Respects appointments.
    Arrive on time, sign out (in a timely manner), listen to instructions and follow rules.
  • Treats the environment nicely.
    Don't break anything, respect everyone's property. Leave the locker room tidy. Clean up materials. Throw trash in the trash cans.
  • Stay away from others.
    Don't touch anyone against their will.
  • Adheres to the rules.
    Read and abide by the regulations, house rules, this code of conduct and all other agreements.
  • Do not attack anyone's dignity.
    Refrain from belittling or intimidating comments and behavior. Do not exclude anyone and be tolerant.
  • Do not discriminate.
    Do not discriminate on the basis of religion, belief, political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, age or other characteristics.
  • Is honest and sportsmanlike.
    Do not cheat, do not use verbal or physical violence, do not use doping. Do not participate in fixing a match, competition or record. Do not bet on your own matches.
  • Drinks during and after exercise not excessively alcohol and does not drink when you have yet to participate in traffic.
    Watch your alcohol intake. If it is noticed that there is an intention to participate in traffic under the influence, this will be reported.
  • Is not under the influence of, and does not use drugs at the tennis park.
    Do not take drugs prior to visiting the tennis park. If it is suspected that you are under the influence of drugs you will be removed from the tennis park. Following this, follow-up steps with the possibility of suspension or disqualification will be taken.
  • Is responsible for any damage caused by them.
    If damage is caused (intentionally) to property of T.C. Ludica or other visitors, the instigator is responsible for this damage and dealing with it.
  • Report violations of this code of conduct.
    Report violations of this code to the board and/or the confidential contact person of the sports club or your sports association. For questions and reports, you can also contact the Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland. NB: If someone has shared something confidential with you, call the Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland, for example. We will then discuss what you can do.

Household Regulations

Apart from the code of conduct, the Internal Rules will always have to be observed. Visitors to T.C. Ludica are expected to know them.